10 WAYS TO GET OUT AND PLAY Meet Me at the Park This Summer and bring a friend or two! Your local parks and recreation centers offer the perfect opportunities for summertime fun. 1. GO ON A WALK. A paved trail or nature hike will have you smiling in no time. You can even find themed trails or exercise circuits at many local parks. 2. MAKE TIME TO SPLASH. Pools, splashpads - even waterparks - can all be found through local parks and recreation. Make sure to sign up for swim lessons too! 3. VOLUNTEER FOR FAMILY FUN. From clean-up events to planting gardens to helping track pollinators, opportunities abound in local parks. 4. GET OUT WITH THE WHOLE FAMILY. Nothing says summertime like picnics with your family. You can even bring Fido and check out a local dog park too! 5. PLAN A NIGHT OUT. Your local park and recreation department has prepared a jam-packed summer for you! Check their calendar for concerts, weekly movie nights and special events. 6. VISIT A NEW PLAYGROUND. Local parks offer a lot more than a swing set these days. Explore your community for playgrounds that bring all generations together. 7. TAKE A STAYCATION. Camping, boating and beaches, oh my! Your state and local parks offer opportunities to take a relaxing weekend off without going far. 8. GET YOUR GAME ON. Even if you missed the deadline for summer sports leagues, find the local pick-up game schedule or location of the nearest multisport court. Game on! 9. GET ROLLING. Visit a local skatepark or adventure bike course. Got wheels? Many parks offer accessible and paved trails to make it easy to get around! 10. ESTABLISH A HEALTHY ROUTINE. Commit to trying new foods at the farmers market or community garden. Use the rec center or local park's fitness equipment. A park and rec professional can help you find your new routine. Learn more about Meet Me at the Park by visiting www.nrpa.org/meetmeatthepark