www.nrpa.org * JUNE 2011 * Vol. 46 * No. 6 magazine Cove r S to ry 48 Nurturing Nature Three waterfront parks bring environmental benefits to both people and nature. Rock Yo ur Poster In Park side! Se e page 7 2 for more informati on. F e at u r e 56 Fracktured Parks The Marcellus Shale Formation holds great promise for domestic energy but also poses serious environmental concerns. F e at u r e 62 Last Frontier The Parklands of Floyds Fork in Louisville is one of the nation's most ambitious urban park developments. F e at u r e 66 De-central Park The Nature Principle author Richard Louv on the role of parks and reconnecting people with nature. Contents Cover: Richard Toussaint. Photo by Maryanne Russell Photography 2 Parks & Recreation J U N E 2 0 1 1 www . N R P A . O R G