contents june 2016 Dr. David Sabgir enjoys a weekly walk with his patients and community members. Cover and cover story digital illustrations by Kim Lewis volume 51 | number 6 | COVER STORY FEATURES 46 Parks Are the Best Medicine 52 Safe Routes to Parks: Prioritizing Community Investments, Maximizing Resources The practice of prescribing a walk in the park to treat a variety of ailments is gaining momentum, as parks, recreation and public health providers find common ground Zarnaaz Bashir, MPH NRPA and its partners are continuing to work for equitable access to parks and open green spaces Rachel Banner 56 Recreational Programs Rev It Up NRPA's Commit to Health initiative helps park 4 Parks & Recreation | J U N E 2 0 1 6 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G and recreation agencies cultivate healthy behaviors during out-of-school time Dr. Danielle Hollar