RESEARCH FIGURE 2: QUALITY-OF-LIFE CONSIDERATIONS THROUGHOUT THE SITELOCATION PROCESS IDENTIFY CANDIDATE CITIES REPUTATION AND MARKETING SITE VISITS AND FINDING THE RIGHT FIT Basic qualityoflife measures Ŷ Outdoor and recreational assets Ŷ First impressions and 'Rurb Pppeal' Ŷ Cost of living Ŷ Experience of other similar companies Ŷ Cultural fit with company needs Ŷ School quality Ŷ Availability of specific sites and facilities Ŷ Validating marketing messages Ŷ Housing costs Ŷ Crime rates SITE LOCATION DECISIONS * Park and recreation agencies contribute to the economic development process through: A Business attraction: Park and recreation agencies strengthen product development (e.g., building trail infrastructure) and enhance community " curb appeal " A Business retention and expansion: Active engagement with companies and workers can influence business expansion decisions and attract new residents to a community A Talent attraction: Many business owners first learn about 14 Parks & Recreation places as visitors or tourists; positive recreational experiences can influence both business and talent recruitment * Park and recreation leaders - the agency director and senior leadership team - can become more involved in their region's economic development planning and activities by building new alliances to promote the value of parks and recreation. Key players that offer opportunities for new partnerships include: A Economic development organizations (EDOs) A Civic booster organizations, | J U N E 2 0 1 8 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G *7 like chambers of commerce and convention and visitors' bureaus (CVBs) A Other municipal departments that shape the quality of life (e.g., public schools, public libraries and transit agencies) A Shapers of the built environment (e.g., private-sector developers, downtown development organizations, business improvement districts and metropolitan planning organizations) A Neighboring park and recreation agencies and private non-