departments. This is due to several factors, including increased efforts to create an inclusive environment for all community members. Park and recreation patrons of all abilities and backgrounds are taking advantage of park and recreation facilities and programs, which creates a parallel between healthcare facilities and parks and community centers. As those with physical and cognitive disability travel the path of actively needing physical and occupational therapy to lead a more independent lifestyle, they are using park grounds and facilities. This has created an avenue for recreation therapists to assist in the transition and continued use of these facilities. Licensure will help protect what recreation therapists do and ensure that their expertise carries on into the future. What they call themselves is recreation therapists, and their expertise in the provision of recreation services is important to those receiving their knowledge and skilled services. Anthony Martino is a Recreational Therapist for North Shore-LIJ Health System Southside ( EXPERIENCE WATER IN A WHOLE NEW WAY. 952.445.5135 877.632.0503 ©2018 Landscape Structures Inc. W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G | J U N E 2 0 1 8 | Parks & Recreation 19