Introducing the Call for FREE Sensor Activated " Red Eye " Series from Most Dependable Fountains, Inc.™ Enjoy the Hands Free convenience of either getting a drink of water, filling a water bottle after exercising or taking a shower! CATALOG 8 0 0 5 5 2 6 3 3 1 GREENWAY BOTTLE FILLER Featuring maximum efficiency, the controlled water flow prevents water waste while the life of the sensor is more than 500,000 cycles. HANDS FREE Most Dependable Fountains introduces the " Sensor Activated " pedestal bottle filler for your GREENWAY PROJECT Choose from 16 standard colors! Available in standard steel or optional stainless steel! HANDS FREE Most Dependable Fountains, Inc.™ 800-552-6331 CirCle 33 on produCt information form on paGe 107