said Musco Lighting's Vice President of Sales, Jeff Rogers. " In keeping with NRPA's mission for conservation, the system is significantly more efficient than typical HID lighting and provides a more focused light on the park without shining light on the surrounding neighborhood. " What's Next? Things are coming together, but there is still work to be done. " We are in a crunch time right now, where we are figuring out the fine details and the engineering so we can get out to bid, " said Forum Studio's Eisenberger. There's still time for you to get involved or visit the site during the NRPA Annual Conference in St. Louis, October 5-8, 2016. Email Gina Mullins-Cohen at for more information. Paula Jacoby-Garrett is a freelance writer based in Las Vegas, Nevada (paula.jacoby. Thank You to Our 2016 Parks Build Community Donors and Partners * ANOVA Furnishings * BCI Burke * Greenfields Outdoor Fitness * Connor Sport Court Intl. * Kay Park Recreation Corp. * Dero (a division of * Musco Lighting Playcore) * Forum Studio * Pilot Rock * Playworld * Freenotes Harmony Park * Soofa Inc. * GameTime (a division of * Southwest Airlines Playcore) * Great Rivers Greenway * SportsPlay Equipment * WhiteWater West W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G | M A R C H 2 0 1 6 | Parks & Recreation 69