contents march 2017 volume 52 | number 3 | FEATURES 36 Planning a Park: From Concept to Reality 44 Reflections on a Career A number of steps and players are involved in the planning of a park. Several park planners share their insights about the process of taking a park plan from an idea to a reality. A conversation with Joe Turner, who retires this month from being the director of the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, a position he's held since 2004. Eric Moreno Tom Dellner 40 Parks Without Borders This NYC Parks initiative is creating seamless transitions between park entrances, edges and adjacent spaces, making parks more accessible to their surrounding neighborhoods. Mitchell J. Silver 4 Parks & Recreation | M A R C H 2 0 1 7 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G Read the digital edition of this issue online at http://ezine. parksand