PRODUCTS Trailside Storage Locker Playground Surfacing Surface America features a complete line of rubber playground surfacing systems. The PlayBound™ Poured-in-Place system excels in safety and durability. It is the most-used playground surface and comes with the industry's longest warranty of 7 or 10 years, depending on the urethane binder used. PlayBound™ Poured-in-Place is a two-layer system, with a shock-absorbing base mat and colorful top surface that has virtually unlimited design possibilities. It is easily customizable to meet the safety, design and aesthetic requirements of any playground. SURFACE AMERICA, 800.999.0555, SURFACEAMERICA.COM This new locker from Pilot Rock provides two small compartments to temporarily store food and other gear you don't want to carry while hiking trails. Model BPFL-T-18 has been certified bear resistant by the IGBC. Each compartment provides 9 cubic feet of capacity, with individual lockable doors. For more capacity, additional lockers can be bolted together side by side. The locker is finished in your choice of five textured powder coat paint colors. PILOT ROCK, 800.762.5002, WWW.PILOTROCK.COM NRPA CONNECT Blog NRPA SOCIAL MEDIA @NationalRecreationandParkAssociation @nrpa_news 50 @nrpa National Recreation and Park Association @parksrecmag Parks & Recreation | M A R C H 2 02 0 | PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N .O R G (or your favorite podcast app) @openspaceradio