contents november 2016 volume 51 | number 11 | 2016 NRPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE FEATURES 38 Inspired, Recharged and Raring to Go 44 The Greenline - Connecting San Antonio's Past to Its Future More than 7,100 people gathered in St. Louis for the 2016 NRPA Annual Conference, and, this year, attendees were in for some incredible experiences. 40 Urban Rewilding Dr. Scott Sampson inspired Conference-goers to remember the joy of connecting with nature as a child, and urged park and recreation professionals to encourage today's kids to get outside and get curious. 41 Nonstop Learning 2016 NRPA Annual Conference education offerings kept attendees engaged, interested and inspired. 42 In Recognition of Excellence Join NRPA in congratulating this year's deserving award honorees. 2 Parks & Recreation | N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G San Antonio's The Greenline linear park looks to create a valuable community amenity out of one of the city's most-recognized features, the nowclosed Brooks Air Force Base. Eric Moreno 48 Disasters: Are You Prepared? The increasing frequency and severity of weather events across the country is having a direct impact on park and recreation agencies. Richard J. Dolesh