of the surface transportation reauthorization. This program funds bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, which benefits and provides access to parks and open space. Appropriations Supporting the following funding levels for fiscal year 2020: * Fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund state assistance program at $140 million. * Fund the 21st Century Community Learning Center Program (21st CCLC) at $1.322 billion, the only federal funding stream to support summer and afterschool learning programs. * Fund the Youth Mentoring Grant managed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquen- cy Prevention (OJJDP) at the Department of Justice at $100 million. * Fund the CDC's Arthritis Program at $12 million to begin rebuilding the lost funding from the past three years and to begin expanding the reach of the program. From everyone at NRPA and on behalf of all our members, we want to thank those who participated in our day on Capitol Hill. We are truly grateful for your advocacy. Without the frontline people and stories from back home, members of Congress and their staff would not be able to truly appreciate all the work that is done every day by your agencies and how critical federal programs and funding are to those efforts. Thank you. Without the frontline people and stories from back home, members of Congress and their staff would not be able to truly appreciate all the work that is done every day by your agencies and how critical federal programs and funding are to those efforts. Disappointed to have missed NRPA's Capitol Hill Day? Become a Park Champion and learn how you can advocate for park and recreation policy priorities. Email advocacy@nrpa.org to learn more! Kate Clabaugh, MSW, is NRPA's Director of Government Affairs (kclabaugh@nrpa.org). W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G | N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9 | Parks & Recreation 19