Participants of the Walk with a Doc program walk alongside healthcare providers to talk about health and wellness. orders. Walk with a Doc and Park Rx have begun offering forest bathing options, and many agencies around the country, including in Centennial, Ohio; Boulder, Colorado; and Roanoke, Virginia, have partnered with guides to lead sessions. Our industry has much to offer for those struggling with mental health challenges; it's just a matter of having an awareness of this serious problem in our country and ensuring we reach out to professionals and individuals in assisting those who struggle. We all endeavor to create health and wellness opportunities for our communities. Being involved in mental health initiatives is just one more way we can make a difference for those we serve. Barbara Heller is a Senior Consultant for BerryDunn (bheller@ Molly Young is a Business Development Specialist for BerryDunn ( YOUR IDEAS ARE WORTH SHARING Submit your education session ideas for the 2020 NRPA Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida. WIN FREE REGISTRATION Submit your session proposals by November 29, 2019 for the chance to speak in Orlando and win a free full-package conference registration. W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G | N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9 | Parks & Recreation 45