Last Pool Renovation Not What It Was Cracked Up To Be? RenoSys - The Superior Interior ©2011 ARS Inc. Band-Aid is a registered trademarke of Johnson & Johnson ® TM Don't depend upon a Band-AidTM approach to keep your pool facilities open, watertight and attractive. New construction or renovation- specify RenoSys, The Superior Pool Interior.TM RenoSys will help keep your pools open and looking great for decades. Unlike fiberglass, paints and epoxy coatings, RenoSys does not depend upon a mechanical bond with your old pool shell, allowing it to expand and contract with the freeze thaw cycle making even existing cracks and cold joints completely watertight. RenoSys has a full complement of integrated products and systems designed to renovate and build new commercial pool facilities. Give us a call today for a free, no obligation quotation and ideas on how to solve your pool problems. Call for your free sample! RenoSys also offers: PVC Pool Shells 800.783.7005 * * Gutters, Grating & Perimeter Solutions PVC Flooring Modular Pools see us in atlanta at booth #2612 Stainless Pools & Elevated Pools