NRPA Visit us at 1913 Booth # RECONNECT kIDS with the NATuRAL WORLD and you won't believe hOW ThEY BLOSSOM. Origins Too many kids spend way too much time Caring for real plants and flowers gives kids a special appreciation for the environment. And nice green thumbs. immersed in the digital world. Our Origins playgrounds reconnect them with the wonders of nature. Kids romp on the realistic boulders, rock formations, logs, and dinosaur fossils. They tend real plants and flower beds. And while they're having a ball, they improve their coordination and agility. They develop better problem-solving and social skills. And best of all, they see there's life beyond the video screen. Real life. To learn more about Origins or to find a dealer near you, please call us or visit our website. Kids who play regularly in natural settings are healthier and have lower stress. Research proves it. So does kids' laughter. 800.233.8404 PLAYWORLDSYSTEMS.COM/ORIGINS ads1108063 © 2011 The World Needs Play® is a registered trademark of Playworld Systems,® Inc. Colors shown may vary from actual product colors. see us in atlanta at booth #1913