WWW.nrpa.org * october 2011 * vol. 46 * no. 10 MAGAZiNe cov e r S to ry F e At U R e 64 telling our Stories, mapping our Numbers nrPa's pioneering geospatial database for park and recreation agencies is growing- and its applications are as diverse as the agencies taking advantage of its powerful capabilities. 70 Voices of Renewal as the second Parks Build Community project nears completion, an atlanta community reflects on its past-and considers how a rebuilt park may impact its future. Amy Kapp Maureen Hannan columnS 7 perSpectiveS 45 advocacy update Parting thoughts Dianne Hoover and Janna Rankin 14 editor'S letter the Power of Information Philip Hayward Legislative Focus: nrPa's Priorities in the 112th Congress Joel Pannell and David Tyahla 49 laW revieW nePa Challenge to Park sharpshooters for deer Control 57 public health access to Parks: Barriers in rural Communities Kellie May 61 future leaderS explaining Your 'Colorful' Career history Keri Schwab, Ph.D. contents cover: shutterstock 2 Parks & Recreation O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1 w w w . N R P A . O R G shuttERstock James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D.