YOU CAN SERVE UP MORE TENNIS! HOST USTA ON-COURT TRAINING Choose the right workshop to host on your courts USTA On-Court Training will help prepare coaches and instructors to give players an exceptional tennis experience - and keep them coming back. Host a training on the latest innovative play format for kids 10 & under and dynamic new approaches to working with large groups that make tennis more fun for all ages and abilities. Both workshops are great for coaches, including PE teachers, After-School providers, Camp & Park instructors and anyone coaching Jr. Team Tennis. The USTA offers two unique types of trainings: Recreational Coach Workshops are for coaches, parents and instructors who work with players of all ages QuickStart Tennis Workshops are for those who work with children ages 10 and under Host a workshop - on your courts and with 20 participants - and raise funds for your program! Select the date, time and location. The USTA will provide the materials and trainer. Two great workshop options to get and keep more players in the game! Details and schedules at © 2011 United States Tennis Association Incorporated