Parks & reCreatIon at Work Multiplying the Productivity of Multi-Use Fields Whether natural or synthetic turf, year-round care can mean year-round fun By Mary helen sprecher WillEEcolE / DREamstimE, mRpants / istock differently colored lines for different sports help reduce confusion for players and officials. m ulti-purpose fields are the multi-tasking three-season athletes of the facility world. They adapt to a variety of sports, they give constantly for the good of the game, and they're rarely at rest. This creates some unique challenges. How to maintain them? How to equip them? And, most importantly, how to ascertain they're ready for action whenever athletes are? Take a few tips from those who design and build fields- and from those who practice multiple sports: The secret is keeping in shape year-round. safety first Governing bodies and mandating organizations (for example, the National Federation of State High School Associations, w w w . N R P A . O R G O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1 Parks & Recreation 93