AND PARKS TRAILS 3rd Americans visit their local park and recreation agencies on a regular basis. In fact, two in five survey respondents said they had visited a local park and/or recreation center at least once during the week prior to completing this survey; another 19 percent said they had visited sometime during the prior month. In all, 80 percent of Americans have visited a local park and/or recreation facility within the past year. Park and recreation users visit their local parks and recreation facilities on average slightly less than 29 times per year. Almost three in 10 park users are power users: 16 percent visited between 21 and 50 times during the past year while 12 percent report visiting at least 51 times during the past 12 months. Power users are more likely to be Millennials, those that identify themselves as Hispanic and parents. On the other end of the spectrum, Baby Boomers make far less frequent visits to their local parks. The reasons people visit their local park and recreation facilities can be as diverse as they are numerous. The No. 1 reason people gather at local park and recreation facilities is to be with family and friends (58 percent). Fifty-two percent of people visited during the past year to exercise or to increase their level of 4 th MARKING PRODUCTS * TRAIL SIGNS & POSTS * PLAQUES & MONUMENTS * TRAIL & PATH MARKERS ORDER BY PHONE 877.686.8565 FIND US ONLINE MARKING THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE WORLD™ | WWW.BERNTSEN.COM Essential for Parks Fall Conferences: Landscape Expo - Oct. 19-20 / Booth 554 ASLA - Oct. 22-24 / Booth 202 Always ahead in science and value. W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6 | Parks & Recreation 21