G E T T H E FAC T S 50 40 30 20 10 < BETTER UNIFORMITY All Field lights use the best lensing and optics technology to create a uniform, even light. HID lights vary up to 200%, making the light bright and glaring in some spots but insufficient in others. BETTER EFFICIENCY > The power and efficiency of All Field lights allow you to completely light your field using up to 33% fewer fixtures. This saves you even more on the cost of your LED retrofit. SUR FAC E LI G HT IN F O OT - CA ND L ES > 0 60 50 40 30 20 E X IS TING HI D 10 T YPI CA L L ED A L L F IEL D 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 NUMBER OF FIXTURES 70 > < LESS SPILLAGE All Field lights more of the parts you want to see and less of the parts you don't. LONGER LASTING > All Field lights are designed to provide the same great light tomorrow that they do today. Our lights require practically no maintenance and provide virtually the same performance for up to 25 years. L I G H T C A PA C I T Y 100% HOURS BULB T YPICALLY REPL ACED AT 70% CAPACIT Y 0 10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K 90K 100K < TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE TO RETROFITTING WITH LED VISIT LEDwithinReach.com OR GIVE US A CALL US AT 80 0-573-360 0