A MERICA'S B AC KYA RD Battery Park 9/11 installation focuses on peace and healing in observance of the 10th anniversary of the sePtember 11 terrorist attacks, a temporary art installation in New York's Battery Park allows visitors to pay tribute to 9/11's victims. Located in the park's Garden of Remembrance and facing the Statue of Liberty is the pop-up installation titled " September 11th Tenth Anniversary Reflections. " In July, artist Tova Snyder took the submissions of many Lower Manhattan residents, workers, and visitors who shared their thoughts on the September 11 catastrophe through words and pictures. She assembled those messages and images, which focus on peace and healing; and they are currently on display in the park hanging between bamboo frame panels. 120 Parks & Recreation S E P T E M B E R 2011 www.NRPA .ORG W W W. A M e R I C A S B AC K yA R d . O R G Photo by lana De Doncker for Downtown magazine Parks for Peace