WWW.NRPA.ORG * SePteMBeR 2011 * VOL. 46 * NO. 9 MAGAZINE COV e R S tO Ry 2 01 1 N R PA CO N G R e S S & e X P O S It I O N 46 Mastering 56 Southern Charms 72 Congress shrinking budgets are forcing many park and recreation agencies to increase their fees. What are the implications for participation, particularly among lower-income residents? By Harvey Chipkin atlanta welcomes nrPa to the " Big Peach " 58 Southern Hospitality Where to eat, shop, and sightsee in atlanta By Amy Kapp 62 Visions F e At U R e how atlanta's park system is transforming a city. 52 We'll Build It By Amy Kapp Ourselves the community-built playground movement now addresses safety, accessibility, and long-term maintenance concerns. 68 Kasim Reed By Maureen Hannan 70 Congress atlanta's mayor keeps parks in focus By Amy Kapp Highlights Sponsors 73 Schedule at a Glance 74 education Highlights 76 exhibit Hall Map 78 Guide to exhibitors 96 Gold Medal Finalists 97 National and Network Awards 98 National Partnership Spotlight Contents Cover: tom O'Rourke of Charleston, South Carolina, Parks & Recreation Comission in front of its newly acquired McLeod Plantation. Photograph by Penny Hoey. 2 Parks & Recreation S E P T E M B E R 2011 www.NRPA .ORG shutterstock Revenue