By the Numbers #ParkRecLuv is Out of Control This July, NRPA asked you to show your love for parks and recreation during the national celebration of Park and Recreation Month. The response was overwhelming. 1,190: Number of times #ParkRecLuv was used on Twitter alone. The hashtag was also used several hundred times on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. 1,000+: Number of new NRPA Facebook followers thanks to member engagement. 2,327: Number of votes on the pictures you submitted to the Show UR Love for Parks and Recreation Weekly Photo Contest on Facebook. 99: Number of photos entered in the Show UR Love for Parks and Recreation Weekly Photo Contest. 253: Number of news articles written about Park and Recreation Month. 44: Number of bloggers who visited their favorite local park and wrote about their experience for Park and Recreation Month. 332: Number of bloggers who expressed interest in posting about Park and Recreation Month. 850,000: Number of Internet impressions from blog posts on Park and Recreation Month. 1.2 million: Number of people reached through bloggers via Twitter and Facebook. $15,000: Amount donated to support local parks through Caribou Coffee's Park and Recreation Month Caribou Cooler promo. Immeasurable: The amount of #ParkRecLuv shown by everyone and the creativity of our members. Thanks for making 2013's Park and Recreation Month such a success! 16 Parks & Recreation | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3 | W W W. N R PA . O R G Rob Smith of Garner (North Carolina) Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources 148: Number of agencies that listed their Park and Recreation Month events on NRPA's website.