contents september 2013 volume 48 | number 9 | cover story 42 Private Money, Public Parks Private funding is seen as a panacea for public parks, but a closer look reveals equity issues and an alarming decline in public funding Michael Powell departments 6 Web Exclusives 12 Front Page fQ&A with Dan Biederman 12 fMilitary High Ropes 14 fBriefly Noted 15 16 By the Numbers Park and Recreation Month 18 People for Parks Little Guy, Big Dreams Danielle Taylor Cover Illustration by Andy Zito, Getty Images 2 Parks & Recreation 20 Member to Member Walk with a Doctor Mark Young | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3 | W W W. N R PA . O R G 85 NRPA Update fBuild Your Credibility with PRORAGIS 85 fTest Your Park and Recreation Knowledge 86 fInbox 87 fMember Benefits: Career Center 88 fParalympic Partnership 88 fProfessional Development Calendar 89 90 Products 95 Ad Index 96 Park Bench Steadfast Survivor