contents september 2013 columns 8 Perspectives Smart Growth Barbara Tulipane, CAE special section NRPA Congress and Exposition Preview 10 Editor's Letter Playing for Real Elizabeth Beard 22 Advocacy Municipal Bond Interest Tax Exemption at Risk Stacey Pine 25 Law Review Park Hours Prohibited Overnight Occupation James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D. 32 Health and Wellness What is Your Health Impact Assessment? Zarnaaz Bashir 34 Social Equity ASK for Sports for All Kids Angela Fanette 36 Managing Management From " One of the Guys " to " The Man " Lauren Yost 39 Future Leaders Four Ways to Make Your Presentation Great Christian Moore 48 Bright Star What to see and do while you're in Houston Amy Kapp 52 Moving Toward a Green World Collaboration is front and center in Houston's efforts to redefine the city's green space Amy Kapp 56 Common Ground How the City of Houston and an energy company are growing Houston together Amy Kapp 57 Share Your #NRPACongress Great Ideas! 57 Parks Build Community Shady Lane Dedication 58 Schedule at a Glance 60 Speed Session Highlights 62 Exhibit Hall Map 64 Guide to Exhibitors 80 Gold Medal Finalists 81 National Award, Fellowship and Scholarship Recipients 82 Partnership Spotlight Page 34 4 Parks & Recreation 84 Sponsor Thank You | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3 | W W W. N R PA . O R G Page 56