PARK TOUR Miami, FL Highlighting Greenfields' projects across the nation N o cookie-cutter solutions here! The newest outdoor gym in the city of Miami features DFXVWRPGHVLJQHG*UHHQ¿HOGV)XQFWLRQDO )LWQHVV5LJZLWKXQLTXHIHDWXUHVVXFKDVDZDYH ODGGHUEDOOWDUJHWDQGPRUH/RRNLQJIRUD¿WQHVV VROXWLRQIRU\RXUSDUN " /HW*UHHQ¿HOGVZRUNZLWK\RX to create a one-of-a-kind exercise area. In addition to FXVWRPL]HGIXQFWLRQDO¿WQHVVVROXWLRQV*UHHQ¿HOGV DOVRRႇHUV 7KH3URIHVVLRQDO6HULHVZLWKWKHPRVWDGYDQFHG resistance feature on the market * The patented Signature Accessible™ line for those with mobility impairments (U.S. Patent 9,079,069) * Body-weight resistance units for a wide range of users &DOOXVWRGD\DWRUYLVLWXVDW JUHHQ¿HOGV¿WQHVVFRP and we'll help you plan your community's ultimate outdoor gym! JUHHQÀHOGVÀWQHVVFRP