6 D N O Y E B W 5 ent m e v o er m ation t t a M e ives of Recr L k Blac rtment e h t a and nty Dep c i ndem ore Cou action a p l loba e Baltim and take g a By Vitisia Paynich How elled th obilize m p com arks to P hen Roslyn Johnson joined the Baltimore and 1) The Gillespie family make a second trip to Cromwell Valley Park. 2) The Martin kids hike on the open trails. 3) To ensure physical distancing, BCRP set up a drive-thru food distribution site. 4) Apral, a first-time visitor to Cromwell Valley Park, brings a book to read. 5) Budding nature enthusiasts pick up a couple of nature discovery boxes. 6) Staff prepare fresh corn for distribution. County (Maryland) Department of Recreation and Parks (BCRP) as its new director in February 2020, little did she know the challenges that lay ahead for her and her staff - the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, an economic recession and a racial reckoning. " It's hard to believe, but it was about a week before our first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Baltimore County that Director Johnson was unanimously confirmed as the first-ever woman to lead the department, " says Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski. He adds that Johnson really " got thrown right into the fire as she was taking over.... " Johnson recalls that during the early days of the pandemic, " the staff was getting to know me; I was getting to know them - but communication was the key. We kept in close contact with our staff at all times. " PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N .O R G | S E P T E M B E R 2 02 0 | Parks & Recreation 35