8401 Arlington Boulevard Fairfax, Virginia 22031-4666 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Address service requested PAID Elizabethtown, PA PERMIT NO. 61 Scan with your smartphone to read Dimensions® online and access bonus content. www.dewberry.com Supporting the Port of Long Beach's Capital Development Program The Port of Long Beach is implementing the largest to the port's current needs, identifying key touch and most complex capital development program in its points with the updated program delivery manual. history-$4.5 billion over 10 years. Dewberry is working To make the full set of engineering bureau standards with the port's program management office (PMO) to and procedures more accessible and updateable in identify and implement updates needed to the existing near-real-time, Dewberry is also creating an intuitive, program delivery manual and engineering bureau's interactive, and searchable web-based platform to house guidelines for professional consulting services to reflect the port's extensive knowledge base of standard business the port's recent structural reorganization. procedures. Dewberry is developing further recommendations to align the remaining engineering bureau manuals The port's guidance documents are being updated to reflect recent changes to its organizational structure, clarify engineering bureau responsibilities, and support the mission and objectives of its PMO. 10 Dimensions ®http://www.dewberry.com/News/Blog http://www.dewberry.com/rss https://www.twitter.com/TheDewberryWay http://www.linkedin.com/company/dewberry http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDewberryWay http://www.dewberry.com http://www.dewberry.com/news/blog/post/blog/2017/01/26/protecting-our-nation's-ports