ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 9

ISTAT Thanks Outgoing Board Member John Vitale
" John Vitale is stepping off the board after dedicating 22 years of
service. Yes, you read that right, 22 years! Amazing. He has
bridged the old with the new and has been that guard on the
wall protecting the values of ISTAT for as long as I have known
him. He has been a great servant to me as president but also
to you as members and rolls onto the golf course with a bag
of AVITAS balls and a demon slice drive! "
- Gerry Butler, ISTAT President
" John's commitment to ISTAT over more than two decades
has been instrumental in getting ISTAT to where it is today: the
world's leading organization for aviation industry professionals. It
is impossible to overstate the magnitude of the contributions John has
made to this organization since its founding over 35 years ago. As a once youngish
member of ISTAT, I was always impressed by John's presence at ISTAT events and
his thought leadership on stage; as a fellow ISTAT board member, I admired John's
passion for the society and his many contributions to the ISTAT Board as a director
and then as our president; as one of John's successors as ISTAT president, I greatly
appreciated John's quiet council and also his less quiet candor in telling me to shut
up when it was deserved (which was not infrequently); as a friend, I've long known
John as a kindred spirit with whom I've had the pleasure of sharing many a good
dinner, many a bottle of good wine and many a good-humored conversation. "
- Douglas Runte, ISTAT Immediate Past President

Update on ISTAT's 2021 In-Person Events
In an effort to remain prudent and safe while gathering our community, ISTAT has
made some adjustments to our previously announced lineup of events. ISTAT Asia
will transition to one event in Singapore the first week of September. The format
will mirror previous ISTAT Asia events with panel discussions and opportunities to
connect; however, it will be shortened to two days. The ISTAT Latin America Forum
will take place at the end of August, and the format will mirror previous ISTAT Latin
America Forum events. Additional details, including registration for these events,
will be available in the coming months.

ISTAT Calendar

ISTAT Miami Conclave
19-20 April
The Biltmore Hotel Miami
Coral Gables
Miami, Florida, USA

ISTAT Latin America Forum
25-26 August
Four Seasons Hotel
Mexico City, Mexico

31 August - 1 September
The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia

3-5 October
Edinburgh International
Conference Centre
Edinburgh, Scotland

ISTAT Americas
14-16 November
JW Marriott Austin
Austin, Texas, USA

ISTAT Holiday Receptions
1 December
Dublin, London, New York
and Tokyo

* T he Paris Air Show reception and chalet
will not take place this year as a result
of organizers cancelling the event.


* SPRING 2021 * 9


ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021

ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021
From the President
News & Events
Perspectives: Q&A With Abdol Moabery
Voices of Aviation
On the Rise
ISTAT Foundation
Appraisal: Boeing 737-900ER and Airbus A321-200
At a Glance: Joel Wagner
From the Vault: Favorite Moments from the Past Five Years
Advertiser Index
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Intro
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Cover2
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 1
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - From the President
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 3
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 4
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 5
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 6
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 7
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - News & Events
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 9
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Perspectives: Q&A With Abdol Moabery
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 11
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 12
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 13
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 14
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 15
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Voices of Aviation
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 17
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 18
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 19
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 20
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 21
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 22
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 23
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 24
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 25
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 26
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 27
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - On the Rise
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 29
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 30
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 31
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 32
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 33
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - ISTAT Foundation
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 35
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Appraisal: Boeing 737-900ER and Airbus A321-200
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 37
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 38
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 39
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - At a Glance: Joel Wagner
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 41
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - From the Vault: Favorite Moments from the Past Five Years
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - 43
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Advertiser Index
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Cover3
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2021 - Cover4