ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 12

In the 1990s, airlines started to privatize and have control over
their futures, but Airbus had no more than 5% of the Latin American market until
the historic order from LAN, TACA and TAM took place.
Jetrader: How has the market for
commercial aviation evolved in Latin
America during your time covering
the region?
RA: It is amazing how the aviation
industry has evolved in Latin America
and the Caribbean. When I joined
Airbus in the early 1980s, the company
was completely different than what
it is today. 1983 was the year of the
A310- the year that this airplane was
certified and first deliveries took place.
Airbus was considered a " French "
newcomer to the industry with little
more than 300 aircraft sold worldwide.
And, in Latin America, we were a
small team of about five people trying
to sell airplanes to airlines that either
did not want them or could not afford
the " new technology. " At that time,
considering that one day Airbus would
dominate the Latin America market
was unimaginable. In the 1980s, most
of the airlines in the region were either
government owned or under their strict
control. The fleets were relatively small,
the planes quite old (average age of 15
years) and foreign airlines dominated
the market.
In the 1990s, airlines started to
privatize and have control over their
futures, but Airbus had no more than
5% of the Latin American market
until the historic order from LAN,
TACA and TAM took place. This
order was a huge step, and the first
time in the region (and probably in
the world) that three airlines got
together to write their own destiny. As
mentioned before, it also represented
the starting point of the incredible
growth of Airbus operators in Latin
America. The first decade of the 21st
century was the era of expansion,
fleet modernization, consolidation
and alliances, bringing more local
presence to the market and bigger
acquisition power.

ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022

ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022
From the President
ISTAT News & Events
Perspectives: Q&A With Rafael Alonso
ISTAT News & Events
The Lessor View from China
Navigating an Orphaned Supplemental Type Certificate Situation
Appraisal: Airbus A350-900 and Embraer E195-E2
ISTAT Foundation: A Look at 3 Grant Program Recipients
Advertiser Index
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - Cover2
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 1
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - From the President
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 3
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 4
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 5
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 6
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 7
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - ISTAT News & Events
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 9
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - Perspectives: Q&A With Rafael Alonso
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 11
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 12
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 13
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - ISTAT News & Events
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 15
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 16
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 17
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 18
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 19
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 20
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 21
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 22
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 23
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 24
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 25
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 26
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 27
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - The Lessor View from China
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 29
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 30
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 31
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 32
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 33
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - Navigating an Orphaned Supplemental Type Certificate Situation
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 35
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - Appraisal: Airbus A350-900 and Embraer E195-E2
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 37
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 38
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 39
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - ISTAT Foundation: A Look at 3 Grant Program Recipients
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 41
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 42
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - 43
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - Advertiser Index
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - Cover3
ISTAT Jetrader - Spring 2022 - Cover4