Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 54

5 QUESTIONS Tim Sosbe 5 Questions With... Michael Bungay Stanier A s the founder and senior partner of Box of Crayons, Michael Bungay Stanier's professional mission has been to do good work, with projects as diverse as helping to develop business leaders and helping to stamp out malaria. Training and education have been big parts of both those projects. I recently spoke with Michael about his newest book, e Coaching Habit, and about how coaching can be the start of something big. Michael Bungay Stanier, author of The Coaching Habit Tim Sosbe (TS): What makes coaching important for life sciences sales training? Michael Bungay Stanier (MBS): As someone who self-identifies as a facilitator and organizational development person rather than as a coach, I'm delighted there's a strong connection between great training and great coaching. It's about how adults truly learn. ey don't learn much when you tell them something. ey don't even learn much when they do something. ey learn best when they're figuring stuff out for themselves. TS: How can trainers make coaching a habit for themselves and their learners? MBS: It's simple and it's difficult. e first thing is to understand how to build a habit. We start with the three-part New Habit Formula: 1. When this happens ...(at's when you define the trigger, the context that sets off the old habit) 2. Instead of ...(at's when you articulate the old habit that's not serving you so well.) 3. I will ...(When you define a new habit you can complete in 60 seconds or less.) TS: What are the 7 essential questions for successful coaching? MBS: You can guess that there are many, many great questions to ask. However, in the new book I say there are just seven questions that are essential. Here they are: 1. e Kickstart Question: What's on your mind? 2. e AWE Question: And what else? 3. e Focus Question: What's the real challenge here for you? 4. e Foundation Question: What do you want? 5. e Lazy Question: How can I help? 6. e Strategic Question: What will you say No to? 7. e Learning Question: What was most useful? TS: Does coaching work better as an informal act versus a formal event? MBS: It certainly does if you're driving for behavior change. e metaphor we use is you want "drip irrigation" rather than the occasional "flash flood." We want people to understand that being more coach-like is something you can integrate into your everyday way of working, rather than making a big deal out of it every now and then. TS: How time-consuming is a coaching habit? MBS: Our strong belief is that if you can't coach in 10 minutes or less, then you just don't have time to coach. And in fact, the best possible outcome is that you get to work less hard and have more impact ... and who doesn't want that? ■ Tim Sosbe is editor of Focus magazine and editorial director for LTEN. Email Tim at 54 FOCUS | FALL 2016 |

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Focus Magazine - Fall 2016

Focus Magazine
From the President: Discovering the 'Why'
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Guest Editor: Going Mobile for Learning
Directions: The Art of Customer Service
Front of the Room: Don't Fear the Cricket
Neuroscience: The Science of Collaboration
Sustaining & Measuring Leadership Development
Wrapping Up the 45th LTEN Annual Conference
Selling Performance in the Field Visit Process
Medical Simulation: Is It Worth the Investment?
Nonverbal Leadership
3 Technology Trends to Try
Sales Training: Increasing the Likelihood of Success
Virtual How: Compensation, Incentives and Levels
Ad Index
Focus Contacts
5 Questions with Michael Bungay Stanier
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Intro
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Focus Magazine
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Cover2
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 3
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 4
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - From the President: Discovering the 'Why'
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 6
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Table of Contents
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 8
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Table of Contents
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 10
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Guest Editor: Going Mobile for Learning
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 12
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Directions: The Art of Customer Service
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 14
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Front of the Room: Don't Fear the Cricket
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 16
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Neuroscience: The Science of Collaboration
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 18
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Sustaining & Measuring Leadership Development
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 20
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 21
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 22
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 23
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Wrapping Up the 45th LTEN Annual Conference
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 25
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 26
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 27
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 28
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Selling Performance in the Field Visit Process
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 30
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 31
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 32
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 33
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 34
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 35
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Medical Simulation: Is It Worth the Investment?
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 37
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 38
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 39
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Nonverbal Leadership
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 41
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 42
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 43
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 3 Technology Trends to Try
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 45
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Sales Training: Increasing the Likelihood of Success
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 47
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 48
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Virtual How: Compensation, Incentives and Levels
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 50
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 51
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Ad Index
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Focus Contacts
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - 5 Questions with Michael Bungay Stanier
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Cover3
Focus Magazine - Fall 2016 - Cover4