industry feature Table B COST ANALYSIS FOR ALL MEDICAL STAFF MEETINGS Name of Department/Committee Hospital staff salaries Cost of materials and supplies Cost of physician time Cost per meeting Annual cost of meeting Number of hours spent by medial staff office annually Number of hours spent by other hospital staff annually Number of hours spent by medical staff 24 113 48 Departments Committees Education and Library 756.00 213.00 3,369.00 3,181.00 13,476.00 TOTALS Table C (courtesy of NAMSS CPCS Study Guide) MEETING NOTICE TO: MEMBERS, CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE FROM: MEDICAL STAFF OFFICE SUBJECT: NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Credentials Committee will be held on _______at ______a .m . in the Physician’s Conference Room . Please review the attached proposed policy changes prior to this meeting. Please complete and return the section below by mail or fax (123-456-7890) noting whether or not you can attend this meeting . If you are unable to attend, please review and provide your comments on the attached proposed policy changes prior to the meeting date. ============================================ □ I will attend the Credentials Committee meeting on (date) . □ I am unable to attend the Credentials Committee meeting on (date) . □ I am unable to attend the Credentials Committee meeting on (date), but I have reviewed and agree with the policy changes as attached . □ I am unable to attend the Credentials Committee meeting on (date), but I have reviewed the policy changes as attached and do not agree with the changes for the following reason(s) Name 16 / SYNERGY J anuary/F ebr uary 2013