industry feature NAMSS CE QUIZ: The Physician Employee – Who Has Jurisdiction? See worksheet on page 30. 1 . There is a growing trend for physicians to become employed . a . True b . False a . True b . False 2 . Both Medical Staff Services and Human Resources need to maintain files on physician employees . a . True b . False 3 . An employed physician is: a . b . c . d . 7. Information taken out of the Medical Staff Services file and given to Human Resources will generally maintain protection . A member of the medical staff . An employee of the hospital . Both . The physician cannot be both . 4 . Employee handbooks apply to employed physicians . a . True b . False 8 . Information from the National Practitioner Data Bank is confidential and may not be disclosed under federal regulations . a . True b . False 9 . Federal law generally recognizes a state’s peer review privilege in response to claims of discrimination . a . True b . False 10 . What should a hospital consider when creating a policy on information sharing? 5: The Family and Medical Leave Act applies to employed physicians . a . True b . False a . Who handles each type of information . b . How the analysis/investigation/work will flow . c . How the state privilege will impact the potential to share information . d . All of the above . 6 . The Stark Law does not apply to employed physicians . a . True b . False Take this quiz online and receive your results immediately! Click the SYNERGY Quizzes link in the Headlines section of March/ april 2013 SYNERGY / 15