Is your background screening provider healthcare-exclusive? It should be. Physician Background Screening Sanction/Exclusion Screening Protect your organization from criminals and excluded individuals by partnering with a healthcare-exclusive background screening provider. * PreCheck is accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), a distinction earned by only 2% of background screening firms. Drug Testing * SanctionCheck, our automated exclusion and sanction screening service, can help you follow the OIG's guidelines and CMS's directives for monthly exclusion screening while saving you time. * PreCheck can help you administer your physician drug testing program, allowing you to meet the OIG's latest recommendations for random drug testing of healthcare workers with access to drugs. For More Information: 866-200-3753 | Looking for even more industry-related news? You've got enough to worry about. Let The PreCheck Blog keep you up-to-date on topics specific to the healthcare industry! à Take a look at ß