The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006 - (Page 24)

Who can you count on? A new managing partner should concentrate on identifying those who are prepared to take ownership of aspects of the firm, and those who are going to be obstacles to achieving the goals. Especially in firms like ours, which thrive on respect for one's fellow partner, just getting people out of the positions for which they are not suited can take years. The first hundred days and the days leading up to the first hundred days should include planning transitions of partners into and out of key roles. It would be useful but unrealistic to require that every department head, key committee chair, etc. tender their resignations effective on the day the new managing partner takes over. My advice: Begin the process of demanding accountability from established partners in key position according to your priorities, not theirs. My predecessor was entirely internally focused. I have tried to be externally focused, although events and circumstances constantly draw me internally. The new managing partner must decide the right balance early on and stick to it. Don't be seduced into the belief that one can alter the focus later as circumstances dictate. Decide whether you are Mr. Ms Outside or Mr. Ms Inside. You probably can't be both. Michael L. Rodburg

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006

The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006

The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006 - (Page Cover1)
The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006 - (Page Cover2)
The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006 - (Page 1)
The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006 - (Page 2)
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The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006 - (Page 24)
The NXT Big Thing - Vol. 1, No. 3 - July, 2006 - (Page 25)
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