Making the Move - 14
Incorporate audio and video files to showcase the
advantages of digital magazines over print magazines.
Studies have shown that readers engage with video longer
than other types of content.
We are able to host video files in the Nxtbook or stream
videos from YouTube or Vimeo. The recommended file types
and sizes for the videos can be found here.
In our Best of
Nxtbook, you can see
how videos can be
hosted in Nxtbooks
and play directly on
the page.
just got personal.
Give your readers the content that
interests them most by delivering a
personalized version of your digital
publication, based on topics they select.
The piece spoke to what each person behind the hand means as individuals and collectively in the community. It was representative of
what Lancaster County looks like with everyone "lending a hand." It
also celebrated community events, like First Friday, as well as the Art
Walk being hosted that weekend in the city as well. The result was a
piece that attracted hands - and feet! - of somewhere between 5001,000 participants. Even "Bubbles," a mascot for Nxtbook's local
endeavors, made it to the event.
Naturally, everyone hoped the canvas community art project would
be a success, but it truly snowballed. Originally an idea in one of our
graphic designer's heads, the project grew to a point where a local
business - the Ware Center - wants to display the piece, making it a
traveling piece of art. Other businesses, such as Two Dudes Painting
and Certified Carpet donated time and resources to the project to
ensure the safety of everyone involved. At the end of the evening, the
event had to be closed, and people looking to jump in to participate
were sorry to see discover the line had been closed. But all good
things must come to an end at some point, right?
Declaring creativity is one thing. Using it for the good of your community is another. What started as a simple idea grew into a gift for
the community, by the community.
hands across lancaster
a community art project by nxtbook media
We can also add audio players to the Nxtbook. Audio is
another great tool that you can use to increase interactivity
and engagement by adding podcasts or personal messages.
Make sure to include instructions and "play" icons in your
design. Why go through the trouble of adding multimedia
features if your readers won't know to click on them?
Best of Nxtbook
Check out how audio
files can be used to
enhance the impact
of an article. | 2017
Build Leaders
Worth Following-
Our Thoughts On
* Beth Molloy
very year, over 100,000 leaders from around the world gather for a full day of inspiring and thought provoking speakers sharing their insights, wisdom, and ideas on what it means to be a leader worth following.
The event is called Leadercast and I'd encourage everyone to experience it at some point. After hearing from
so many speakers, you'll walk away with many nuggets of wisdom to help you lead more effectively in your role
at work, at home, and in your community.
This year, Nxtbook Media had the opportunity to send a small group of Nxtbookers to attend. I sent everyone in
with a challenge to bring back a take-a-way or nugget that we could share on this blog. It's interesting to see what
each person found encouraging or helpful in their own personal journey towards becoming a leader worth following. Some are as simple as a quote, while others explained more about concepts that resonated with them. My hope
is that you read through everyone's thoughts below and find some truth to help you become a better leader.
Beth Molloy:
* Jeremy Smith
"Be an influence by showing others what's possible."
While there were many wonderful speakers at Leadercast, Kat Cole,
Group President of Focus Brands, talked about the importance of
building leaders that are worth following. When you can focus on
the right thing, you can change everything and show others what's
possible in your organization and in your community.
* Beth Netscher
* Roxanne Edwards
Jeremy Smith:
* Scott Charney
"What do you come to work to do?"
My takeaway was from Andy Stanley. He was talking about the need
for a vision. He asked the question, "What do you come to work to
do?" If the answer is that you come to work to do your job, there's a
problem. You should come to work to fulfill the company vision...
to be the solution to a problem.
* Zach Behm
* Todd Reinhart
Beth Netscher:
* Gentry Lusby
My takeaway is on the subject of priorities, as presented by Kat Cole.
She advised, "focus on things that are small enough to change, but
big enough to matter." I think this works whether trying to change
the focus of a company, a department, or your own personal work
and work habits. Breaking a problem down into manageable parts
that you can concentrate on makes your task less daunting!
* Alicia Bradley
Roxanne Edwards:
Click on microphone to hear
our Nxtbookers for yourself!
Best of Nxtbook
Vision is a mental picture of what could be. Not about how, but it
is the what. It is the preferred future, fueled by a conviction of what
it should be. The trick in setting vision is that it is small enough to
change but big enough to matter. There can be only one priority.
And focusing on the right thing actually impacts everything. | 2017
Making the Move
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Making the Move
Table of Contents
Page Format
Text and Layout
Images and Slideshows
How to Avoid Conversion Errors
Audio and Video
Digital Advertising
Making the Move - 1
Making the Move - 2
Making the Move - Table of Contents
Making the Move - Page Format
Making the Move - Text and Layout
Making the Move - Images and Slideshows
Making the Move - 7
Making the Move - How to Avoid Conversion Errors
Making the Move - Interactivity
Making the Move - 10
Making the Move - Animation
Making the Move - Content+
Making the Move - 13
Making the Move - Audio and Video
Making the Move - Digital Advertising
Making the Move - 16