Making the Move - 7


When it came down to it, we knew there was
something at the heart of a curated experience, the
going from page to page, the uncovering of content
meant to weave a story that resonates within us, as
well as the simplicity and structure of a beginning
and an end...To put it grandiosely, moving from page
to page is woven into the fabric of what it means to
be human."
Michael Biggerstaff
Chief Inspiration Officer and CEO


Making the Move

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Making the Move

Table of Contents
Page Format
Text and Layout
Images and Slideshows
How to Avoid Conversion Errors
Audio and Video
Digital Advertising
Making the Move - 1
Making the Move - 2
Making the Move - Table of Contents
Making the Move - Page Format
Making the Move - Text and Layout
Making the Move - Images and Slideshows
Making the Move - 7
Making the Move - How to Avoid Conversion Errors
Making the Move - Interactivity
Making the Move - 10
Making the Move - Animation
Making the Move - Content+
Making the Move - 13
Making the Move - Audio and Video
Making the Move - Digital Advertising
Making the Move - 16