Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - 60

Reprinting of From Opportunity to
Legacy: Celebrating the First Fifty Years

Philanthropy: The OppenheimerFunds  
Community Investment Program
OppenheimerFunds has a long history of service to the communities where it does business. Earlier this decade, the Company
decided to restructure its approach to charitable giving in order
to make its efforts more effective and strategic. OppenheimerFunds' philanthropic mission is now focused on supporting
organizations and programs that provide business education and
teach entrepreneurial skills to young people from diverse backgrounds. This new mission is more aligned with the Company's
business philosophy, corporate values, and employees' skill sets.
Through this mission, OppenheimerFunds has formed longstanding partnerships with organizations like the Network for
Teaching Entrepreneurship and Young Americans Center for
Financial Education, both of which help young people acquire
academic and business skills, prepare for higher education, and
become leaders in the classroom and in life.

individual investments into retirement accounts.
By the end of 2007, the Company had attained a
sizable market share across the retirement plan
business, including individual retirement products,
403(b) programs, 401(k), and other group and
small-business retirement plans.
To support the retirement plan business, the
Company launched new tools, such as Retirement
Income Manager, to assist financial planners and
plan participants in determining appropriate
investment strategies and savings rates.
More broadly, it invested in technology to build
an award-winning Web interface for both financial
planners and individual investors and launched
asset allocation and target date funds to meet the
needs of long-term investors. Through all these
efforts, OppenheimerFunds rose steadily in the
ranks of the largest managers of long-term mutual
fund assets.

60  * OppenheimerFunds: The First Fifty Years

Events related to the OppenheimerFunds
Community Investment Program (clockwise,
from left): the 2009 New York Employees'
Choice Team; CEO Bill Glavin, Jr. and Philip
Craig, 2009 OFI Social Entrepreneurship
Award Winner; and CFO David Pfeffer ringing
the NYSE bell with NFTE students.

Another important
component of the Community Investment Program
is the popular Employees'
Choice initiative. Every year,
employees in each of the Company's offices vote to determine a
cause or organization that will become the focus of its fundraising
and employee volunteerism efforts. Employees' Choice has been
extremely successful, helping the Company more than triple
employee participation and fundraising efforts prior to its inception.
OppenheimerFunds recognizes that its greatest resource is its
people. The Community Investment Program helps employees
apply the Company's Principles of Investing - excellence, consistency, teamwork, balance, expertise, and integrity - toward
making their communities better places to live. n

Great products do not sell themselves, however,
and market share growth does not occur through
brand recognition alone. It takes a skilled, dedicated
sales team, and OppenheimerFunds is known as an
industry leader.
The retail sales force, or "wholesalers," had long
been one of the main engines of the Company's
success, and the rapid growth of OppenheimerFunds throughout the decade was as much a tribute
to the sales staff as it was to the investment managers and the product development team. As the
Company's offerings expanded, the distribution
team stepped up to the challenge by quickly learning
the details of the new products, explaining them
effectively to customers, and increasing the flow of
assets into the Firm's products.
The key to success for the OppenheimerFunds

distribution team was - and remains - an ability
to foster strong client relationships through product
knowledge and personal integrity.
"It's all about your reputation on two fronts,"
said George Sweeney, who joined the Company in
1989 and later became senior vice president and
Mid-Atlantic regional director. "The firm has a great
reputation, and you have to have a strong personal
reputation. You have to be able to credibly explain
what's happening during good times and bad times.
That's the key to success."
The distribution organization fostered close
client relationships through a team structure in
which wholesalers called on advisors in person in
a defined territory and teamed with an inside
counterpart to provide consistent service. Backed by
a strong marketing organization and supported by
the investment management team, these salespeople
were able to provide the product knowledge and

Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast region, resulting
in more than 1,500 deaths and billions of dollars in damage.

Six OppenheimerFunds portfolio managers make
Barron's annual Top 100 mutual fund managers list.




Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary

Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Cover1
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Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Contents
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