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Brand Journey to Today
Our investing strategies never conformed to norms and neither
did our brand. At the start of the decade, the firm embarked on
a journey to take its brand identity to the next level, maintaining
its core values but updating their expression. Everything from the
logo to the office space and brand colors was redesigned to
capture the innovative spirit of the brand.
In 2011 "Globalize Your Thinking" became the first ad campaign
to use this modern aesthetic, setting out to prove to investors
that the most advantageous opportunities don't neatly fit into
"domestic" or "foreign" buckets: they're global. The ads debunked
investing myths through innovative, interactive content via a
digital-first approach.
Keeping tabs on the competition and analyzing investor sentiment
helped uncover a marketing opportunity in 2015. The category's
obsession with the uncertainty and fear associated with investing
was in stark contrast to OppenheimerFunds' positive long-term
investing perspective that the world will always continue to get
better. The "Invest in a Beautiful World" campaign was designed to
uncover investing opportunities others missed. This approach was
a rallying cry to invest with conviction and optimism, and served as
an inspiration to the investment community to believe in the endless possibilities the world has to offer.
In 2017, as active management continued to be challenged by the
passive trend, the firm struck back with the "Challenge the Index"
campaign. The campaign invited investors to mark their own path
forward instead of following the herd. This platform did double duty
in upholding the brand philosophy while simultaneously promoting
product strategies including its newest offering, smart beta ETFs.
Leveraging mindset-changing statistics and unique storytelling,
the campaign invited financial advisors to challenge borders, perceptions, appearances, impulse, and anything and everything that
held back their potential. Consistent with how the firm has viewed
the world since the day it was founded, the visuals and messaging
challenged investors to never take anything at face value.

While executions varied over the
years, all campaigns reinforced
the brand's long-held belief that
the world offers endless potential.

OppenheimerFunds Brand Digital
Since its inception in 1997, the digital experience at OppenheimerFunds has evolved to encompass dynamic,
best-in-class websites and advisor tools that draw on the firm's commitment to leading through innovation.
In 2018, there were 6 million visits to OppenheimerFunds' websites. Deep insights into client needs and the
ways in which clients interact with us inform our digital design process and enable the creation of personalized
experiences that enhance engagements. The award-winning results speak to the success of our digital strategy.

The Right Way to Invest: 60
and Transformation*
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Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary

Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Cover1
Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Cover2
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Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - 2
Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Contents
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