Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - 83


A Lasting Legacy

For 60 years OppenheimerFunds has built its business on a strong foundation
of client trust, collaboration, and tireless investment stewardship. To celebrate
this milestone, the firm showed its gratitude for six decades in the community
through a number of employee-led philanthropic initiatives in 2019.   

Through an expanded 6x gift matching program, OppenheimerFunds and
employees together contributed over $10 million to more than 1,200 nonprofits
across a full range of social, civic, educational, cultural, and health-related
causes. More than 700 employees participated, a record level of engagement,
and together lent their collective support across the U.S. and London to a
broad spectrum of organizations.



Many employees shared their stories of the far-reaching effect of this program:

"Volunteering in EHTP Circle Up
Tutoring program, I have enjoyed
getting to know their organization
and I respect their mission and the
ways in which they help students.
With OFI's gift matching, my
donation will be able to support a
summer internship for one College
Scholar and purchase a laptop for
one college-bound senior."
East Harlem
Tutorial Program

in matched

"With OppenheimerFunds'
special gift match, we can
provide breakfast, lunch, and
dinner at the shelter for four
days a month for the next 12
months (600 meals a day).
A tremendous help!"
The Open Door

"My brother and sister both live with a
rare form of ataxia [a disorder affecting
the nervous system]. The National
Ataxia Foundation is the only foundation
dedicated to ataxia research and
providing support to ataxia families.
Given the rarity of this disease, there
are few opportunities to help fund
research, so each dollar has an
outsized incremental benefit. I am very
grateful for the opportunity to help and
for OppenheimerFunds' support."
National Ataxia Foundation


"My son, who was born with
Down syndrome, was invited to a
one-week sleepaway camp for kids
with developmental disabilities when
he was eight years old. While my wife
and I both had some reservations, he had a
fantastic experience! He is now 25 years old
and has gone every year. The camp is run by
volunteers and funding comes exclusively
from the staff through fundraising events. I
decided to become a camp counselor during
the one-week sleepaway, and this year I ran
my own fundraiser. On behalf of my son and
the other campers, thank you
to OppenheimerFunds!"
Camp Northstar

In addition, colleagues had the opportunity to submit individual grant requests for charities
they hold dear. The Philanthropy Advisory Council, chaired by Andy Doyle and made up of
employee representatives, followed a tiered approach to selecting the top recipients, opening the vote to employees, while ensuring that all eligible nonprofits received a donation.
The program totaled $1 million in grants for nearly 350 employee-nominated nonprofits.
Finally, in a gesture of thanks to past and present nonprofit partners involved with the firm's
programming over the years, OppenheimerFunds provided donations to organizations including the 9/11 Museum, Denver CCEE, Junior Achievement, Boys & Girls Clubs, and MoMath, as
well as to nonprofits with BRG and regional office relationships.

The Right Way to Invest: 60 Years of OppenheimerFunds * 83


Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary

Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Cover1
Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Cover2
Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - 1
Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - 2
Oppenheimer 60th Anniversary - Contents
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