For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 12

PACDL 2020 F
September 16, 2020

A Focus on Police Body-Worn Cameras

Michael Gennaco and Steve Connolly, OIR Group, Playa Del Rey, CA
Despite Governor Wolf signing Act 22 of 2017 which permitted use of police body-worn cameras
without violation of Pennsylvania's wiretapping law, installation and use by police officers has
not been universally adopted throughout the Commonwealth. With recent attention to law
enforcement reform, police body-worn cameras and oversight of their use (or lack thereof) will
likely receive higher public policy review and become ripe for challenges by criminal defense
attorneys. This webinar will provide criminal defense attorneys with a primer on the technical
aspects of how body-worn cameras work, their capabilities and limitations, and zoom in on
the best practices for activation, preservation, purging, officer training and access to footage.
Additionally, the discussion will focus on defense counsel's strategies and challenges to police
body-worn cameras including manipulation.

September 17, 2020       The Socially Distanced Jury Trial:
Voir Dire Implications

Melissa M. Gomez, PhD MMG Jury Consulting, Philadelphia
Even before the COVID pandemic, jury selection was rife with uncertainty. Processes varied
wildly between counties, courts and individual judges, often revealing little to nothing about
juror preconceptions. With the arrival of COVID-19, social distancing, face masks, virtual court,
and the like have added additional layers of complexity onto the important work of selecting a
jury. This seminar will address critical aspect of juror psychology considering the coronavirus
pandemic, provide voir dire guidance, and discuss the practical implications of jury selection
changes in response to the fear of disease spread. This webinar will also reinforce good voir dire
and decision-making strategies during jury selection.

September 24, 2020	

Recent Evidence Law Highlights

September 29, 2020	

Increasing The Odds in Your Favor When
Defending the Gambling Addict

Spero Lappas, Attorney at Law and Alexandria Lappas, Cumberland County Public Defender's
This webinar is the ultimate in evidence session. This team will review recent case law on
evidence, explain the holdings and give you insights on how to sketch out the implications for
your cases so you are a step ahead of the Commonwealth. Included in the discussion will be
changes to Pa.R.E. 902.

Lia Nower, JD, Ph.D., Center for Gambling Studies, Rutgers University, NJ
The rapid expansion of legalized gambling has all but ignored a growing but hidden consequence:
gambling disorder. Most people gamble for recreation only, but a proportion will develop an
addiction to gambling so severe they will experience bankruptcy, homelessness, job loss, and

For The Defense l Vol. 5, Issue 3


For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3

For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 1
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 2
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - Contents
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 4
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 5
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 6
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 7
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 8
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 9
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 10
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 11
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 12
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 13
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 14
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 15
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 16
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 17
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 18
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 19
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 20
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 21
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 22
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 23
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 24
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 25
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 26
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 27
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 28
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 29
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 30
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 31
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 32
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 33
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 34
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 35
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 36
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 37
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 38
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 39
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 40
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 41
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 42
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 43
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 44
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 45
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 46
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 47
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 48
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 49
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 50
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 51
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 52
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 53
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 54
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 55
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 56
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 57
For the Defense - Vol. 5, Issue 3 - 58