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Electric Vibe in Blue
If you caught the 2013 Grammy Awards, you saw Jack White and the Peacocks rocking the
stage, with Brooke Waggoner playing an electric-blue Baldwin Grand Piano. That piano was
expertly wrapped by Sino Tour, co-owner of Icon Image Graphics (iconimagegraphics.com),
and an associate, utilizing 3M Scotchprint Wrap Film Series 1080 and Knifeless
Tech’s Knifeless Tape. Because the piano was on loan, they were not allowed to take it
apart to complete the wrap since doing so could damage the keys. Top challenges, says
Tour: the piano’s pedal and its pillar-esque legs (“we had to crawl underneath and wrap
each one separately”). The show’s art director provided tips on how lighting, staging, and
camera shots would affect the piano’s look on stage once wrapped.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Big Picture - May 2013