wide angle
Horn of Plenty
March 2015
Markthal Rotterdam is an all-in-one
shopping, working, and living space that
sits underneath a 40-meter-high arch
made of natural stone and glass
windows, covering an area the size of
two large soccer fields.
"Horn of Plenty" by artist Arno
Coenen features images of oversized
produce that line the interior walls of the
mixed-use development. Designed by
Rotterdam architectural firm MVRDV
with property developer Provast and
architect Winy Maas, the indoor market
opened last October in the Netherlands.
TS Visuals (tsvisuals.nl), a specialized hard-substrate printing company
based in the Netherlands, printed the
images onto 4000 coated aluminum
panels each measuring 1.5 x 1.5 meters.
Individually designed by the shop's
research department, the panels are
lightfast, bendable, and can be cut into
any shape imaginable.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Big Picture - March 2015