Package Design - September/October 2013 - 10
Not pictured
Gold—Special: The Open Choice
Se Beber, Vá De Carona
Submitted by: Routhier & Darricarrère
The shipping case and wine label were
designed side-by-side to tell the story
of the Brazilian winery and its French
origins. When Routhier & Darricarrère’s
owners first arrived in Brazil, they bought
a Volkswagen bus to tour the country’s
beautiful beaches. The wine’s shipping
case pays tribute to this memory by
mimicking the van’s appearance. The novel
design is balanced with a sophisticated color
palette dominated by bright reds and clean
whites. The theme and color scheme is
carried over to the bottle decoration with
red capsules and white labels.
Gold—Cosmetics and Personal Care
Packaging; Gold—Sustainable Packaging
Submitted by: Natura
Sou’s easy-to-use package breaks
category paradigms with a design that
requires 70% less material to manufacture
than conventional hair- and body-care
packaging. The drop-shaped pouch
also reduces product waste by enabling
near-complete product evacuation.
Gold—Graphic Design: Cosmetics,
Personal Care, Health and
Redesign Sempre Livre
Submitted by: Johnson & Johnson do Brasil
Sempre Livre’s updated look clearly
communicates the product’s benefits
with informative graphics on color-coded
backgrounds with a lighthearted design.
To ensure consistency across the color
coding system, all colors had to be
tested and validated, with some
pigments requiring reformulation.
Gold—Special: The Consumer’s Choice
Fragrância Linda Lindinha de O
Submitted by: Grupo Boticário
Recognizing that girls often imitate the
woman they find the greatest source of
inspiration, love, joy, confidence and
style—their mothers, the brand created
this youthful fragrance. The fragrance’s
bottle is painted with glitter to bring a
sense of play, while the transparent,
thick-walled plastic used for the overcap
and the simple metal coating for the
2013 annual awards issue
sprayer speak to this generation’s preference
for minimalist design. The carton continues
this simple-yet-playful design with relief and
sparkling lamination.
to handle efficiently. The functionality comes
from a vertical-and-horizontal lift system that
works with a gripper device to safely move
and place the implant.
Gold—Graphic Design: Savories
Gold—International Competitiveness:
General Products for Export
Submitted by: Narita Design
The brand identity, name and package design
lets consumers know that Liggero packaged
pastas deliver fast-and-easy meal preparation
with taste appeal.
Submitted by: Brazilian Secrets Hair
Sophisticated photography and a minimalist
design aims to appeal to an international
market while subtly reminding consumers
that the products are made in Brazil.
Gold—Nonalcoholic Beverages Packaging
Suco Casa Madeira
Gold—Sweets and Desserts Packaging
Submitted by: Verallia
Iorgurte Grego Batavo
Inspired by the jam jar that Casa Valduga, the
makers of juice, already have in its lineup, this
bottle highlights the nutritional benefits of the
product. The bottle is shaped like the body of a
thin, tall and healthy person. On the shoulders
of the bottle sits the Casa Maderia Coat of
Arms in high relief, which helps brand the
product and presents a premium image.
Submitted by: BRF
Gold—Packaging for Micro- and
Small-sized Companies
Linha Iandê—Aisó
Submitted by: SA2 Design e Comunicação
A one-color design keeps converting costs
down for this double-duty package. The carton
easily transforms to a point-of-purchase display,
which encourages retailers to place this Brazilian
brand alongside higher-priced imports.
This PP package for Greek-style yogurt is
decorated with an in-mold label that helps
differentiate the brand from a competitor
offering similar products. The ergonomically
shaped bottles help project a premium
image, and an aluminum seal assures
consumers of product safety. Spent
packaging can be easily recycled because
the primary structures and their labels are
made from the same material.
Gold—Technological: Beverage Packaging
Rótulo Adesivado
Submitted by: Mazda Embalagens
A pre-glued label enables label application
without a hot-melt gluer and makes the PET
bottle fully recyclable because the label
leaves no residue after removal.
Gold—Packaging in General
Vedapren Fast
Submitted by: Pande
A rectangular design allows the tubs to be
nested for transport to a filling facility, and it
provides strong brand differentiation because
competing products are sold in round buckets.
The shape makes the product easier for
consumers to use because it accommodates
paint rollers as well as brushes—eliminating
the need to purchase trays.
Gold—Structural Design: Functionality
Embalagem para Implantes
Submitted by: Neodent
This single package accommodates a large
range of implants, despite differences in
geometry, lengths and diameter. Its design
protects the product’s sterility and bio-safety
while making the product easier for dentists
Gold—Graphic Design: Redesign for Food
and Beverages
Marilan—Pit Stop
Submitted by: M Design
To maintain its position as one of the
category leaders in the cracker segment,
Pit Stop needed to evolve its package
communications with a new logo and overall
design. The updated triangular logo has a
shape evocative of a road sign to encourage
shoppers to stop and look at the products.
Bigger, bolder type over variety-specific
shapes help shoppers identify and buy their
favorite flavor from the 14-item product line.
Gold—Structural Design: Shape
Submitted by: Dow
This packaging structure was designed in
the U.S. but has characteristics especially
Package Design - September/October 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Package Design - September/October 2013
Package Design - September/October 2013
Editor’s Letter
Brazilian Packaging Association (ABRE)
Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators
Asociación Mexicana de Envase y Embalaje
DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation
Flexible Packaging Association
Foil & Specialty Effects Association
Glass Packaging Institute
Healthcare Compliance Packaging Council
In-Mold Decorating Association
Paperboard Packaging Council
Inspiration and Indulgence
Package design products introduced in the last year
Hands-on Team Player
Product Focus: Smart and Active Packaging
Index of Advertisers
Field Notes
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Intro
Package Design - September/October 2013 - BB1
Package Design - September/October 2013 - BB2
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Package Design - September/October 2013
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Cover2
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 1
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Contents
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 3
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Editor’s Letter
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 5
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Brazilian Packaging Association (ABRE)
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 7
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 8
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 9
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 10
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 11
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 12
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 13
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 15
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Asociación Mexicana de Envase y Embalaje
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 16a
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 16b
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 17
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 18
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 19
Package Design - September/October 2013 - DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 21
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 22
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 23
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Flexible Packaging Association
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 25
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 26
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 27
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Foil & Specialty Effects Association
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 29
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 30
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 31
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Glass Packaging Institute
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 33
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Healthcare Compliance Packaging Council
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 35
Package Design - September/October 2013 - In-Mold Decorating Association
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 37
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Paperboard Packaging Council
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 39
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 40
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 41
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Inspiration and Indulgence
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 43
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 44
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 45
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Package design products introduced in the last year
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 47
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 48
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 49
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 50
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 51
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Hands-on Team Player
Package Design - September/October 2013 - 53
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Product Focus: Smart and Active Packaging
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Index of Advertisers
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Field Notes
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Cover3
Package Design - September/October 2013 - Cover4