Accelerate your design and branding project to success. Join Package Design magazine for an informative webinar on increasing the return on investment for package design through prototyping. FRee WeBInAR PAckAge PRototyPIng Creativity requires designers to experiment, whether through visuals, materials or how a package is produced. But brand managers and package designers still have to deliver a physical product with real physical limitations. QuestIons? Contact Editor-in-Chief Linda Casey, or 513.263.9304 s P o n s o R e D B y: In this presentation, we'll explore n how brand managers can use prototypes to gauge a packaged products' impact on consumer and retail buyers n the potential of brand services, such as prototyping, to help designers expand their creativity by knowing real-world parameters n best practices for executing your package design concepts. Save the Date: thursday, June 26, 2014