Package Design - April 2014 - 18


"Our creative team
members practice
collaboration, not
competition with one
another. As a team we
take great ideas and
layer them with more
Jodi K atz
creative director at BBCA



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Base Beauty Creative Agency
(BBCA) is a full-service creative agency dedicated to the
beauty industry. The agency's
next-generation aims to eliminate divides between traditional media, to develop
outstanding creative work in
all sales channels in all media

"We view 'sameness' in the
beauty industry as a threat to
brand building," Jodi Katz,
creative director at BBCA,
explains. "We adore working
with brands that are not
afraid to try something new.
This type of thinking makes
the best use of our very
untraditional, brazen and
inspired creativity."

BBCA's process begins with
confidentiality. "Leaders in

APRIL 2014

by red-carpet
the luxury beauty industrends, BBCA
try share their needlehelped launch
moving innovations
Clinique's A Difwith us," Katz remarks,
ferent Nail
"and we have steps in
Enamel by creatplace to protect their
ing packaging
that transforms
Next, the agency's
into a portable
account managers
Mani Cam Photo
(AMs), whom Katz
Studio. A colorful
describes as "internal
Clinique stepbrand advocates," work top-to-bottom, left-to-right: Kate Greene, Katie Sparks,
Lauren Katz, Elisa Vitale and Jodi Katz
and-repeat backwith the client to
Base Beauty," Katz remarks.
ground and interchangeable
develop a detailed creative
"Our creative team members
polish-coordinating floors
brief. This helps the account
practice collaboration, not
offer a playful photo studio
managers develop an intimate
competition with one another. environment where it takes
knowledge of the client. "Our
As a team we take great ideas
only two hands to be the stylAMs know our brands someand layer them with more
ist, model and photographer.
times better then they know
Recipients of this limitedthemselves, and that level of
edition polish set and Mani
intimacy is what leads to
Cam Photo Studio used their
breakthrough insights," Katz
smart phones to capture
Launching a prestige nail
images of their new maniAnother factor in developpolish collection in a market
cure, spreading the news
ing these breakthrough
saturated with nail trends
about this colorful launch via
insights, she explains, is the
requires a high-level of ingeTwitter, Instagram and blogs.
team approach. "Creative
nuity. Driven by the firm's
development is different at
beauty expertise and inspired


Package Design - April 2014

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Package Design - April 2014

Package Design - April 2014
Editor’s Letter
Front Panel
A ‘Hoptical’ Decade
Born in the U.S.A.
Labor of Love
Luxuriously Lit
Design Tech Products: Special Effects
The Brew Crew
Product Focus: Luxury Packaging Materials
Index of Advertisers
Package Design - April 2014 - Intro
Package Design - April 2014 - BB1
Package Design - April 2014 - BB2
Package Design - April 2014 - Package Design - April 2014
Package Design - April 2014 - Cover2
Package Design - April 2014 - 1
Package Design - April 2014 - Contents
Package Design - April 2014 - 3
Package Design - April 2014 - Editor’s Letter
Package Design - April 2014 - 5
Package Design - April 2014 - Front Panel
Package Design - April 2014 - 7
Package Design - April 2014 - Snapshot
Package Design - April 2014 - 9
Package Design - April 2014 - 10
Package Design - April 2014 - 11
Package Design - April 2014 - A ‘Hoptical’ Decade
Package Design - April 2014 - BI1
Package Design - April 2014 - BI2
Package Design - April 2014 - 13
Package Design - April 2014 - 14
Package Design - April 2014 - 15
Package Design - April 2014 - Born in the U.S.A.
Package Design - April 2014 - 17
Package Design - April 2014 - 18
Package Design - April 2014 - 19
Package Design - April 2014 - 20
Package Design - April 2014 - 21
Package Design - April 2014 - Labor of Love
Package Design - April 2014 - 23
Package Design - April 2014 - Luxuriously Lit
Package Design - April 2014 - 25
Package Design - April 2014 - Design Tech Products: Special Effects
Package Design - April 2014 - 27
Package Design - April 2014 - 28
Package Design - April 2014 - 29
Package Design - April 2014 - 30
Package Design - April 2014 - 31
Package Design - April 2014 - The Brew Crew
Package Design - April 2014 - 33
Package Design - April 2014 - 34
Package Design - April 2014 - Product Focus: Luxury Packaging Materials
Package Design - April 2014 - 36
Package Design - April 2014 - 37
Package Design - April 2014 - 38
Package Design - April 2014 - Index of Advertisers
Package Design - April 2014 - 40
Package Design - April 2014 - Cover3
Package Design - April 2014 - Cover4