contents APRIL 2014 vol. 12 No. 3 columns 40 Field Notes By Linda Casey Do luxury cues from this men's personal care brand translate well from Asia to the U.S.? DePartments 22 4 editoR's letteR 6 FRoNt PANel 8 sNAPsHots 26 desigN teCH PRoduCts: sPeCiAl eFFeCts Features 12 A 35 PRoduCt FoCus: luxuRy PACkAgiNg MAteRiAls 'Hoptical' Decade 39 iNdex oF AdveRtiseRs By Larry Jaffee Anniversary package design project begins with directive to "just go wild". 16 Born in the U.S.A. By Linda Casey Four agencies ready to re-imagine an American Luxury brand for the 11th annual Makeover Challenge, sponsored by FiberMark North America Inc. 22 Labor of Love on the CoveR Developing a brand By Steve Werblow Pasta sauce branding breaks against the stereotypical pasta sauce packaging. 24 Luxuriously Lit By Linda Casey Designers use print effects to elevate packages to a luxe standing. 32 The Brew Crew By Keith Loria Craft brewery aims to stand out in a crowded market with eccentric brand identity. 12 2 MARCH 2014 identity that provokes interest on shelf is a difficult task in the consumer purchased goods category alone; try standing out from the crowd in the abundant wine and spirits market. The Empiric, quality gin produced by Arbutus Distillery approaches crafting spirits as an art, therefore a package design representative of this high standard was desired. Richard Hatter and the design team at Hired Guns Creative pursued an unlikely design inspiration path, the black plague. Find out how Hatter drew influence from Empirical death doctors to create a package sure to make a mark on the spirits industry. Read more on page 24.