Package Design - June/July 2014 - 4

f rom the EDITOR
11262 Cornell Park Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45242

Bigger, Bolder, Better


ext month marks my third year as editor-in-chief of Package Design. During this time,
I've worked with some amazing people from our magazine's founders to several
talented writers, artists and editors who either served on staff or as contributors to our
publication. This is in addition to collaborations with our editorial board members and the
marketers, designers and supplier partners who make the gorgeous package designs and
branding campaigns featured between the covers of each of our issues.
I've also had opportunities to listen to Package Design readers to learn what you love about
the magazine and think can be improved-one of which was our look. When art director Don
Heyl joined our publication last year, Heyl and I started working on refreshing Package Design
based on the feedback you shared with me in numerous calls and meetings.
These efforts intensified when Gerri Brownstein joined us as publisher in January-taking
the storm of change already underway and bringing it to the hurricane level. Brownstein used
her vast industry experience, incredible energy and enthusiasm, and an outside point of view to
help us cut a clearer path to the vehicle for industry collaboration and insight you hold in your
hands today.
Brownstein and I began a series of meetings with readers from a vast array of consumer
packaged goods companies, including package designers and brand managers from Procter &
Gamble, Microsoft, Abbott and more. Editorial board member Rob Wallace from Wallace
Church Inc. was kind enough to volunteer his firm's services to evaluate designs as Heyl deftly
designed everything from a new logo to new page layouts for the literally larger Package Design.
Our new page size is nearly 9 by 11 inches!
We made sure our updates reflected the magazine's new direction as a tool for collaboration.
Note our refreshed logo with the descender of the g in package interlocking the two words
symbolizing the collaborative design process. But we also took
care to keep what you loved: Field Notes (page 80), where you
get the final word each issue by voicing your opinions on
various designs in the marketplace today; Brand Makers
(page 58), which looks at the collaborative relationship
between consumer packaged goods companies and the
design agencies that serve them; and our Makeover
Challenge, which will play a large part in our next issue
where the competitors' concepts will be revealed.
Let's keep the improvements coming. We're
developing our 2015 editorial calendar now and
would love to hear what's keeping you up at night
and what opportunities you want to explore.
Email me at,
and let us know how we can help you reach
your fullest potential.




Linda Casey

Kara Dunford

Don Heyl

Linda Volz


Gerri Brownstein



Tedd Swormstedt

Christine Baloga


P.O. Box 1060 Skokie, IL 60076
P: (847) 763-4938
F: (847) 763-9030


Matt Neiderer

Content Sales Specialist
717-632-3535 Ext. 8265


Subscribe at
Priority code: Issue

LinkedIn: Package Design Magazine
Facebook: PackagedesignMag
Twitter: packagedesignmg (no "a" in "mg")

PACKAGE DESIGN (ISSN 1554-6772) is published 9 times
annually by ST Media Group International Inc., 11262 Cornell
Park Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45242-1812. Telephone: (513) 421-2050,
Fax: (513) 362-0317. No charge for subscriptions to qualified
individuals. Annual rate for subscriptions to non-qualified
individuals in the U.S.A.: $46 USD. Annual rate for subscriptions
in Canada: $77 USD (includes GST & postage); all other
countries: $101 (Int'l mail) payable in U.S. funds. Printed in the
U.S.A. Copyright 2014, by ST Media Group International Inc.
All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not
be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the
publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims
and representations. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
Package Design, P.O. Box 1060, Skokie, IL 60076. Change of
address: Send old address label along with new address to
Package Design, P.O. Box 1060, Skokie, IL 60076. For single
copies or back issues: contact Debbie Reed at (513) 263-9356
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Package Design - June/July 2014

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Package Design - June/July 2014

Package Design - June/July 2014
Table of Contents
Editor’s Letter
Publisher’s Letter
Front Panel
Package Design Matters: Creative Drive
Packaging Pantene’s Crowning Glory
Nature Nut
Keepin’ it Real
Design Tech Products: Prototyping Technologies
Fresh Story
Brand Makers
Product Focus: Biobased Packaging
ndex of Advertisers
Field Notes
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Intro
Package Design - June/July 2014 - BB1
Package Design - June/July 2014 - BB2
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Package Design - June/July 2014
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Cover2
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 1
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Table of Contents
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 3
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Editor’s Letter
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 5
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Publisher’s Letter
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Front Panel
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 8
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 9
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 10
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 11
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Snapshots
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 13
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 14
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 15
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Package Design Matters: Creative Drive
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 17
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 18
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 19
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 20
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 21
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 22
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 23
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 24
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 25
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 26
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 27
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Packaging Pantene’s Crowning Glory
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 29
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 30
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 31
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Nature Nut
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 33
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 34
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Keepin’ it Real
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 36
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 37
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 38
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 39
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Design Tech Products: Prototyping Technologies
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 41
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 42
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 43
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 44
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 45
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 46
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 47
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 48
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 49
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 50
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Fresh Story
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 52
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 53
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 54
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 55
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 56
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 57
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Brand Makers
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 59
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 60
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 61
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 62
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 63
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 64
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 65
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 66
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 67
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 68
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 69
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 70
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 71
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Product Focus: Biobased Packaging
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 73
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 74
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 75
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 76
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 77
Package Design - June/July 2014 - 78
Package Design - June/July 2014 - ndex of Advertisers
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Field Notes
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Cover3
Package Design - June/July 2014 - Cover4