Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 20




is ST's Editor-at-Large.
Email him at darek.johnson

Do you want to buy a sign?

F you are like nearly everyone else in this world, you
have accepted so many
things without question
that you're not thinking at all."
- Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Ph.D.,
business consultant, author,
originator of theory of constraints


On the online Warrior Forum, a guy
named Martin documented that he'd
received a wholesale novelty catalog
that listed 10 x 19-in. LED "Open"
signs for $10.80 each, in a case of 20.
After reading this, he investigated
the retail price of LED "Open" signs
and found them listed for up to $99



APRIL 2017

each, so, now empowered by an
entrepreneurial idea, he ordered a
case of 20 with the idea of selling
them to local businesses - door to
door - for $40 each.
The Warrior Forum isn't about
warriors, so don't go there for material
on Geronimo. Instead, it's a web
marketing site that hosts mixed
reviews, thus my mention here isn't
an endorsement. However, Martin's
offbeat story - titled "How to make
$584 a week selling LED signs" - can
present a clear message to those who
make and sell signs.
Martin is not a sign professional.
However, five or so years ago and for

a brief period, he transformed into a
sign salesperson. He wrote, "All I did
to sell my LED 'Open' signs was to
walk into a store that I noticed didn't
have an LED 'Open' sign, or might want
another one, and inquired if the owner
or manager was in. I showed them
the LED 'Open' sign and asked if they
would like to buy one for just $40."
Martin said he labored two hours
a day for five days and sold his 20
"Open" signs to corner stores at $40
each. He profited $584 for 10 hours'
effort, he said.
Not bad for a $216 investment.
That wasn't all. Ever-vigilant
Martin soon recognized that many
stores he visited quartered an ATM -
but not a lighted ATM sign, "only
a sticker or paper sign on their door
or in their window," he wrote. Martin
rummaged online for wholesale, LED
ATM signs and found them for $10
each, in a case of 20.
He said they sold like hot cakes.
He quickly hawked his 20 ATM signs
at $40 each, earned $600 and bought
40 more. He unloaded these in seven
days, to clear $2,400 overall.
Great sales story, right? Is it true?
Ummm ...
It's on the Internet, so it could be
untrue. (Our research revealed that
Martin is the subject of a couple of
related accusations that are less than
flattering about his business ethics. ...)
Also, Martin's declared profits don't
reflect costs other than the purchase
price. Nonetheless, you can easily
grasp his winning strategy: Buy low,
sell high, but not as high as the


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Signs of the Times - April 2017

Signs of the Times - April 2017
From the Editor
St Update
At Large
Technology Review
Shop Ops
Vehicles + Vinyl
Nuts + Bolts
Dogs Like It
Simply Capital
Workflow Watchwords
Strictly Electric: A Presidential Address
New Products
Advertising Index
Last Look
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Intro
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BB1
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BB2
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Signs of the Times - April 2017
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BD_L
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BD
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Cover2
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 1
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Contents
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 3
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 4
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 5
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 6
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 7
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - From the Editor
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 9
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - St Update
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 11
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 12
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 13
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 14
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 15
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 16
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - A1
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - A2
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - A3
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - A4
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 17
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 18
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 19
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - At Large
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 21
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 22
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 23
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Technology Review
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 25
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Shop Ops
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 27
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 28
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 29
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Vehicles + Vinyl
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 31
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 32
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 33
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 34
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 35
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Nuts + Bolts
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 37
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 38
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 39
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 40
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 41
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Dogs Like It
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 43
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 44
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 45
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 46
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 47
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 48
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 49
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 50
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 51
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 52
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 53
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 54
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 55
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 56
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 57
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 58
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 59
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 60
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 61
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 62
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 63
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 64
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 65
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 66
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 67
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 68
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 69
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 70
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 71
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Simply Capital
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 73
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 74
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 75
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Workflow Watchwords
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 77
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 78
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 79
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Strictly Electric: A Presidential Address
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 81
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 82
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 83
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - New Products
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 85
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 86
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 87
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 88
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 89
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 90
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 91
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 92
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 93
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 94
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 95
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 96
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 97
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 98
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 99
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 100
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 101
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 102
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 103
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 104
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 105
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 106
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 107
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 108
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 109
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - 110
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Advertising Index
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Last Look
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Cover3
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - Cover4
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BCover1
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BCover2
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B1
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B2
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B3
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B4
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B5
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B6
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B7
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B8
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B9
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B10
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B11
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B12
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B13
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B14
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B15
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B16
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B17
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B18
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B19
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B20
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B21
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B22
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B23
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B24
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B25
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B26
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B27
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B28
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B29
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B30
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B31
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B32
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B33
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B34
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B35
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B36
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B37
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B38
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B39
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B40
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B41
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B42
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B43
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B44
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B45
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B46
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B47
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B48
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B49
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B50
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B51
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B52
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B53
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B54
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B55
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B56
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B57
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B58
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B59
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B60
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B61
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B62
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B63
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B64
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B65
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B66
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B67
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B68
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B69
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B70
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B71
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B72
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B73
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B74
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B75
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B76
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B77
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B78
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B79
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B80
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B81
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B82
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B83
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B84
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B85
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B86
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B87
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B88
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B89
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B90
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B91
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B92
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B93
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B94
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B95
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B96
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B97
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B98
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B99
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B100
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B101
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B102
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B103
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B104
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B105
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B106
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B107
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B108
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B109
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B110
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B111
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B112
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B113
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B114
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B115
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B116
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B117
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B118
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B119
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B120
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B121
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B122
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B123
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B124
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B125
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B126
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B127
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B128
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B129
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - B130
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BCover3
Signs of the Times - April 2017 - BCover4