Modeling of the four sides of the middle tier of the sign using Photoshop. Routing the main copy for the top (levitating) portion from HDU. Testing the layering of paints to achieve the desired look. Gilding the overlay letters was part of achieving a 1900's look. SCIENCE BEHIND THE MAGIC We spent many hours researching how to levitate a sign. We weren't interested in just a typical floating object, but rather one that would light up, seemingly based on wireless energy invented by Tesla. Then, we came across a newly developed method of balancing an object on top of a magnetic field. If we could execute this, our piece would actually levitate! Briefly stated, the engineering involved a proportional-integralderivative (PID) controller, a tiny computer capable of continuously sensing and adjusting the strength of electromagnets placed below the top portion of the sign, creating a state of balance - or, in this case, levitation. THE TRICK OF LOOKING OLD Now we needed to design and build our piece. We also had to highlight our fabricating abilities so our entry would stand up to the scrutiny of the industry leaders and educated visitors who would be voting in the Invitational. We decided to create a three-tiered design with classic colors and textures common in the early 1900's. SIGNWEB.COM SIGNS OF THE TIMES 57http://www.SIGNWEB.COM