Presented by After closely monitoring the current developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the VMSD team feels it is in the best interest and safety of our retail design community to postpone our commemorative 20th anniversary conference in Denver until 2021. While we can't be together faceto-face this year, that doesn't mean the education and networking has to stop. IRDC's virtual program will include two days of keynotes, lively panel discussions and roundtable networking groups focused around key topics - all delivered to you through an interactive, dynamic online platform that can be accessed anywhere in the world. JOIN US IN DENVER IN 2021 REGISTRATION FOR IRDC'S VIRTUAL We're still looking forward to seeing ADD YOUR NAME TO THE IRDC INSIDER you for IRDC 2021 in beautiful Denver. LIST TO BE NOTIFIED >> Save the date to join us next year in-person at the Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel August, 24 - 26, 2021. CONFERENCE WILL OPEN IN AUGUST. WWW.VMSD.COM/IRDC-INSIDER-2020http://WWW.VMSD.COM/IRDC-INSIDER-2020